
Saturday, September 15, 2012

What's been happening around the garden this week?

My vegie bed is looking over grown. This is the one the old owners left behind. The rainbow chard self seeded in this bed along with the curly leaf parsley. I planted the celery, dill and rocket. The rocket has shot to seed now and I am waiting to save them. I like the look of this bed, all full and bursting with life. I hope to get the rest of the garden looking full like this too over time.

The silverbeet is looking lush. There is a stray onion in this pot too by the way. My MIL gave me this plant from her garden. They have a wonderful silverbeet bed at their house. It just comes back season after season.

This is what is left of my snow peas. Not sure what went wrong here, maybe a fungal thing? I did manage to harvest a few though. Maybe they were not suited to life in pots or too much rain, I don't know. Will try again though as I love snow peas.

I also killed my strawberry seedlings. They were doing wonderfully then about 2 weeks after planting they keeled over. I thought it was the few sunny days we had just had, until my mother in law told me the bag of what I thought was soil she had given me, was actually pure chook poo! I think I have saved two plants, the rest are gone. I have bought some more and will try again.

I have finally filled our potato tin and the plants are now bursting up through the top layer. Looking forward to harvesting these when the time comes. I have never grown potatoes before; except for the ones coming from the compost pile.

Well that's it for edibles. A few things are blooming about the place at the moment. The Dietes have opened. They are such pretty flowers.


Chinese Lantern


New growth on the rose. I cut it back, although I have no idea what I am doing when it comes to pruning roses. The new growth looks nice. I sprayed for black spot too as this rose was badly affected last year.


Pretty things near the pond

Arty looking Lavender leaves

Pink Lady apple bloom

Clivia finally opened


  1. Hey GG! I'm the first to follow your blog! Yippee I love being the first. My silverbeet is going great too. And the snowpeas I grew in tubs look a bit like yours too.

  2. Welcome! Thank you. Sorry your snow peas turned out like mine, glad I'm not alone though lol.
