
Friday, August 31, 2012

Couldn't see the Wattle for the trees

I had a real "Oh my gosh" moment today. I looked up and and saw our Wattle tree in full bloom and I had not even noticed. To be honest I didn't even know it was a Wattle. Now that I know that, maybe I can work out what type it is. A quick Google and I'm thinking Acacia pycnantha? Whatever it is, it's pretty. Wattle is truly lovely isn't it. The green and gold combination is so striking.

Here is another one I am thinking must be Wattle. It hasn't bloomed yet. Maybe this is Acacia elongata? It is a very spindly tree. There appeared to be a second one growing beside it, but when we dug it up to put our vegie bed in, it looked like it had shot from the root stock. Does Wattle do this?

Another photo of the Acacia Cognata while I am at it.

Today was such a lovely day. I pottered around with my camera and took more photos. I weeded where I could. I love weeding. It is so satisfying to pluck weeds out of the earth. The children played with the guinea pigs and pushed each other around on the swing.


Alpine strawberry

Nectarine blooms

Clivia slowly opening

Wandering weeds from next door

They look pretty on the palings though

Eremophila Nivea

This appears to be a Salvia



Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What's blooming, changing and growing in my garden this week

Mystery bulbs are beginning to flower. Do you know what they are?

Erlicheers are blooming

Rocket is flowering

Preparing to seed

Freesias! Oh how I adore these flowers

The newly planted Salvia cutting is already flowering

More Spring cheer


Austral Indigo about to bloom

Orange blossoms

Wattle! Oh so pretty

Acacia cognata

Eremophila Nivea

Apricot buds


Wild Strawberries




Mystery plant in raised bed

Kangaroo Paw

and another one

New growth on the Loquat