
Monday, December 17, 2012

Life amongst death

Our garden is in need of rain, badly in need. We have had so little this past month. Everything looks dry, dead or suffering. We have no grass at all. This is tough as we have seven guinea pigs to feed. Even the neighbours' garden where we go as back up is low on grass  We have taken to carrying a bucket with us when we are out driving, so if we see grass we can collect it.

Having said that, there is still life in my garden. I water the things most important or needy. Seeds still burst to life in amongst the dryness. I will share their beauty with you. How glorious is this Epacris longiflora - native fuchsia. All lined up like little jewels.

Epacris longiflora

Native fuchsia

The Nasturtiums in our raised bed are racing away. So much growth on them compared to the others planted through the rest of the garden. You can really see what a difference good compost and feeding does for a plant. These have been great at attracting the white moth to them and away from my more prized edibles.


Tiny tomato buds. So delicate and so beautiful. Flourishing, growing, ready to burst open.

Tomato flowers ready to bloom

A neglected rose in a pot, left by the previous owners. Barely watered with no care, yet still producing a bloom. I need to give more attention to the roses we have here. Their blooms are lovely.

Potted rose

A wee seedling sprouted from the compost around the Orange tree. What will it be? Cucumber?

Unplanned seedling

Mystery mushrooms in a garden pot. So delicate and sweet with their blue grey folds.

Stowaways in a pot

A mystery pot mix. This pot holds an avocado seed, but a number of other random seeds are sprouting in here with no avocado seedling in sight. I can see a pommegranate, pansy, aquilegia and I think there is also a Eucalyptus in there. Can you spot the golf tee too?

Awaiting an avocado seedling

A sweet pea in flower. I planted a few and they got eaten by slugs. One survived and bloomed.

Sweet pea

A very hardy Bougainvillea in flower. This poor plant was left here in a pot when we arrived. It has been moved and scorched in the heat, uprooted from its pot and dumped near the shed, yet still it survives and blooms. They look so lovely in full bloom. I should give this one more attention too.

One lone flower

And finally my Asiatic Lillies have bloomed. I was hoping for a red one in the mixed bag, but these are the ones I got. There were two yellow ones in the mix. They fell over terribly in the planter I had them in. Next year I will try and grow some support plants around them. The children delighted in waiting for them to open. Such simple pleasures.



