
Monday, October 29, 2012

So much happens in just a few short weeks

Looking back on some of my last few posts and things have changed so much. I visit my garden every day. I stare at it meticulously, yet things change before my eyes and I miss them, or I forget what has happened, or when. Just looking at the maple leaves and how deeply coloured they were when they first opened. They are now green, and without the photo, my memory of them would be different. I am really glad I have started this blog and have documentation of the changes as they happen. My photos reveal a great beauty in my garden too. I have so much work to do here and glancing around at the garden as a whole it doesn't seem so appealing, but when I get up close and capture small sections of it, the true beauty of the garden is revealed. Even the smallest parts can have great aesthetics.

The foliage is so striking against the stems

Striking pink against the grey. Rose Campion in bloom

New growth on the Lavender

Delicate beauty

New bloom on the way

Asiatic Lily buds

Triple flower head

New Rose bud with delicate spider web

Unsure what this is, but it has striking foliage

Friday, October 26, 2012

A vegie and fruit update

The nectarines are growing. They are getting bigger and darker and they are also getting eaten! I never realised they would need protecting at such a young age. Looks like the possums enjoy them small, green and hard. Starting to think I might not get any.

The pesky critters are also damaging the branches of the tree. I keep finding them snapped off all over the place. I wasn't prepared for this so early on in the season and we will pay the price now.

Hoping to have more luck with the Strawberries. looks like some fruit is setting already. Wonder what will beat me to eating these? I have already had to fish some slugs out.

I have noticed some new growth on the Kaffir Lime. Is this what colour the leaves are when they first appear? They took me by surprise.

A new member to our garden, a fig. My in-laws couldn't help themselves and gave us a new one, even though we have a cutting here already. I am sure we can find a place for another one though.

Remember the vegie seeds I planted a month ago? They have finally sprouted. These are the Cherry Tomatoes. I think next year I will either wait until it is warmer before sowing the seeds, or I will try raising them indoors. For a while there I didn't think they were ever going to come up.

These are the Capsicums

During the day I take the seedlings out of the greenhouse and give them some sun. I have a mixture of things here. Calendula, basil, lettuce and celery to name a few.

The Dill all came up. It's too had to transfer now though as they are tall and spindly, so looks like this lot will be wasted. I have sowed more seed but directly into the garden bed this time.

More rocket. This is the more shaded Eastern side bed. Each night I patrol for slugs with a torch as they hide amongst the ferns by day and attack at night. I would have no rocket left if I didn't do this.

I have made some space in the patio bed. Tidied up the overgrown mess and removed some of the rocket. I have hung the seeds up to see if I can dry them even though they are no longer on the plant. I mulched with compost here too. I have sewn some lettuce seeds in this spot and I am eagerly awaiting the first shoots.

We also have another raised bed in the garden. I don't think I have shown any photos of it yet. In this bed I planted cucumber seeds and I have about four viable plants. One is a bit touch and go at the moment. It dried out a bit, but new leaves are appearing so I think all is well.

I also planted Beans, but only two of these have grown. I have put more in, so fingers crossed we get more plants sometime soon.

Hubby bought two tomato plants from the nursery and I have now planted these out into the bed. I was waiting to make sure all cold weather had passed. I will put two of the best cherry tomato seedlings in here too once they are big enough.

I popped a couple of Nasturtium seeds in this bed too. I have gone Nasturtium crazy and have them planted all around our garden. I love the variety of colour and the speed in which they grow.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Things were going so well

Only a few short weeks ago my Kangaroo Paws were looking amazing - now this! Are they dying? Is this just a stage they go through? I cannot think what might have upset them. We haven't had any hot days or lots of rain, nothing that would have shocked them. At first I thought the flowers were just dying back, but all the leaves look poorly also. When I bought them my sister warned me they may not survive. These ones are Bush Gems and I believe they have been bred to suit a wider range of soils and positions in the garden. Even my brand new red one is looking unwell. I did purchase them at Bunnings, so if they do die and can take them back. I know that just because something is for sale in a nursery it does not necessarily mean it will grow in your area. Maybe this is one of those cases.

My Erysimum is growing right next to the Kangaroo Paws and looking a bit yellow too. I was waiting for the last of the flowers to die back before giving it a good trim. I remember it looking a bit sad last year after flowering. This plant was here when we moved though, so I am fairly sure it is happy in its position.

Another plant looking a tad unhappy in my garden is this fuschia. Many, many yellow leaves are appearing on it at the moment. It and the Abutilon next to it have never been very full looking plants. They are both fairly leggy. I wondering if cutting them back might help with bushier growth?

Continuing on with yellow looking plants. Here is my Avocado. I ended up planting it out on the very shaded Western side of our garden. The Eastern side had poorly draining soil and this side mimicked more of a jungle position, like their native growing conditions. It is protected by the Privot and Silky Oak trees. Once it starts to grow and is stronger I can remove branches of the other trees to allow it more light. That is if it survives this spot! It's looking quite yellow at the moment too. I will have to read up on what I need to give it to combat the yellowing, I don't want to kill it.

Friday, October 5, 2012

October already?

This year is going too quick. I probably say that every year. Spring is birthday season in our home. Mine was first in September. This year I gave myself a Magnolia for my birthday, I think I mentioned that previously.

Magnolia planted in the garden. The snails have been attacking the leaves.

I also bought a few new plants with the money my parents gave me for my birthday and here they are. Firstly a new Kangaroo Paw. I have a pink one and a white one already, so I thought I would add a red one to the mix. They seem to like the soil and position here near our bedroom window. I would like to add more if these don't grow too big. The red one was tagged as only growing to 30 or 40cm.

New one planted in with the others

The next plant is a Prostanthera rotundifolia or commonly know as a Mint bush. I have been seeing these lovely purple flowered trees all around our suburb this past month and had to have one for myself. There are actually quite a few types. I selected the round leaf one and planted it next to the Pittosporums, in the gap left by the ones that died. Another spot that is viewable from our bedroom window. I look forward to the masses of mauve flowers in the future.

Lastly I purchased a Cytisus. Only that morning I had been admiring my mother in law's one. She told me she would save me some seeds when it goes to seed but I couldn't wait. The flowers are so pretty and it has a subtle sweet scent. Unsure where to plant this one, so it is currently languishing in its pot until I decide.

I also received two plants from my mother in law around my birthday. She gave me her pot of Sparaxis that I had been coveting for a few weeks. It looked glorious in full bloom. The flowers have died back now and I am waiting for it to set seed so I can collect them. A few people have asked for some already, so hopefully I can strike them. I could just divide up the plants and give some away like that too I guess.

Flowers have now died back

This is the second plant she gave me and I have no idea what it is. Can anyone help with a name? She grew it from a cutting from a neighbourhood garden. Not sure where to position it until I know how large it will grow. It is quite pretty though.

Lots of other things have been happening around the garden this week too. Here are some photos of my potterings.

Coriander is flowering

Lemon thyme is flowering also

Awaiting the Rocket seeds so I can tidy this mess up

Potatoes are growing well on top

Sunflowers on their way

Banana passion fruit climbing higher

Our only Apricot fruits. There are just three

Orange blooming

Nectarine fruiting

Apple blooms - Pink Lady

What happens when an Avocado is planted in a pot with no holes!

Lots of growth on the Lemon

Lots of blooms too

Continental Parsley going to seed

Something wrong with these Strawberry leaves

Another plant I need to identify

Little white flowers have started blooming on it

First blooms on my new Camelias

This one is a bit different to the picture on the label

Banksia rose has bloomed. Pity it grows way above our house

Bloom appearing on one of the plants in the front garden

What is this? Some sort of pea flower?

I know I said I disliked the Pride of Maderia, but I have potted up these seedlings for now

Salvia cutting doing very well

Daphne sans blooms. A bit of yellowing occurring on the leaves

New growth on the Wind Flowers

Rose Campions gearing up to flower

A Foxglove sprouting from the soil. I pulled these out last year when someone told me they were poisonous. I will let them grow this year.

New seedlings appearing of a plant that died when I moved it - bonus!

The remains of my Freesias, all tangled in the grass