
About Me

I am a woman, a mother of two small souls, a wife and a dead keen gardener. I have a couple of other blogs. One I started about my op-shopping adventures and another where I write about our lives. I wanted to write more about my gardening pursuits and thought I would keep it separate from my other blogs, so here I am. Gardening is a bit of a new venture for me in my adult life. I grew up on a 5 acre property with a whole menagerie of animals, a fairly un-productive fruit orchard, a couple of dams, a vegie patch and a father whose love for lawn saw our garden shrink and shrink to accommodate said lawn as we grew and grew. Nine months ago we moved to a quarter acre block in a leafy green wedge, North-East of Melbourne and I have discovered the pleasures of gardening lurking deep within my being. Memories of my dearly departed Grandmother flood my mind as I tend to my garden and I long to grow old and be remembered for my own love of all things dirt and compost. I hope to provide our family with food on our plates grown here in our own soil and fill our vases with flowers tended to with love. I don't profess to know much at all about gardening, but I am keen to learn and I will use this space to document my garden's journey. Thank you for tagging along. If you are interested in following my op shop blog, drop me a line.

Oh, and "What is a Gumboot Greener?" you say.
It was just about the first thing that came into my head when I was thinking of what to call this blog. My small son has a book out from the library currently and it's all about different monsters. All weird and wonderful creations from inside of somebody else's head and the Gumboot Greener is one of them. I don't like the book, it's quite silly and bores me to tears, luckily Dadda gets to read our boy his books at night and not me. I thought it was catchy name though and so that is the story behind the name of this blog.

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