
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Things were going so well

Only a few short weeks ago my Kangaroo Paws were looking amazing - now this! Are they dying? Is this just a stage they go through? I cannot think what might have upset them. We haven't had any hot days or lots of rain, nothing that would have shocked them. At first I thought the flowers were just dying back, but all the leaves look poorly also. When I bought them my sister warned me they may not survive. These ones are Bush Gems and I believe they have been bred to suit a wider range of soils and positions in the garden. Even my brand new red one is looking unwell. I did purchase them at Bunnings, so if they do die and can take them back. I know that just because something is for sale in a nursery it does not necessarily mean it will grow in your area. Maybe this is one of those cases.

My Erysimum is growing right next to the Kangaroo Paws and looking a bit yellow too. I was waiting for the last of the flowers to die back before giving it a good trim. I remember it looking a bit sad last year after flowering. This plant was here when we moved though, so I am fairly sure it is happy in its position.

Another plant looking a tad unhappy in my garden is this fuschia. Many, many yellow leaves are appearing on it at the moment. It and the Abutilon next to it have never been very full looking plants. They are both fairly leggy. I wondering if cutting them back might help with bushier growth?

Continuing on with yellow looking plants. Here is my Avocado. I ended up planting it out on the very shaded Western side of our garden. The Eastern side had poorly draining soil and this side mimicked more of a jungle position, like their native growing conditions. It is protected by the Privot and Silky Oak trees. Once it starts to grow and is stronger I can remove branches of the other trees to allow it more light. That is if it survives this spot! It's looking quite yellow at the moment too. I will have to read up on what I need to give it to combat the yellowing, I don't want to kill it.

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